10 Courses Required

Photograph of a working professional smiling as they sit by their laptop

Learner outcomes

By the end of this certificate program, you will be able to:

  • Implement self-management skills critical for effective leadership.
  • Master the art of impactful communication with peers and employees.
  • Align management practices with organizational goals for better results.
  • Recognize and develop distinct skills required for leadership versus management roles.
  • Effectively form, develop, and lead teams.
  • Implement the TalOp methodology to enhance employee engagement and productivity.
  • Use strategies to mediate and negotiate workplace disputes.
  • Manage mental health issues in the workplace, including legal and safety aspects.
  • Lead and manage organizational change effectively.
  • Uphold and promote professional conduct and ethical standards.
  • Manage all stages of the employee lifecycle from hiring to retirement.
  • Create and implement effective operational plans.
  • Know how to create a psychologically safe workplace environment.
  • Facilitate training and career development opportunities for employees.
  • Use best practices for delivering effective performance reviews.
  • Gain insights from exit interviews to improve organizational practices and retention.

A photograph of a group of working professionals; there is a dark gradient over the image and the words NEXT STEPS

Track your progress

Want to know where your current management and leadership abilities stand? Take the Management Essentials Competency Assessment (MECA). As you work through the CME courses, you can revisit the assessment to track your progress.

Get started

You can register and pay for courses individually at $295 per course, pre-pay for multiple courses or pre-pay for the entire certificate program for a total of $2,950. The choice is yours.

Each course in the CME program has been designed as an independent study course comprised of required readings, optional readings, instructor videos, reflective activities, reflective-activity evaluations, and one multiple-choice quiz.

If you are taking the entire certificate, MGT 2000 - Leading From Within should be your first course as it contains essential components core to other courses.

Register now

To pre-pay for multiple courses or the entire certificate, please contact us at (506) 453-4694 or toll-free at 1-888-259-4222.

To enrol and pay for an individual course, click the course name from the list. Access will be available within 30 minutes of completing the checkout process.

The courses in this certificate program qualify for IPMA-Canada recertification points. To find out how many points each course provides, please click on the course name.

Connect with us

Telephone: 506-453-4694
Toll-free: 1-888-259-4222
Email: customerservice@unb.ca

Additional Details

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