
Course Description

Instructor: Roxanne Gayle, M.S., BCBA
BACB CEUs: 0.5

Children with developmental disabilities sometimes display avoidance responses such as noncompliance, aggression, and vocal refusal when completing healthcare routines. Parents find tasks such as dental appointments and haircuts to be very challenging, and sometimes avoid them completely. Healthcare workers may also refrain from working with such individuals or require intrusive procedures such as restraints. Kupzyk and Allen (2019) reviewed 32 studies that assessed strategies to increase comfort and compliance with healthcare routines in persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As a result, they concluded that the lack of validated procedures and training has precluded behavioral treatments from becoming routine in the other communities (dental, medical, hair).

Although there is literature to support the tips and strategies provided within the presentation, there is still research to be done in this area. Behavioral treatment of childhood phobias and anxiety related to healthcare routines often involves treatment packages that include a variety of components (Kupzyk & Allen, 2019; Shabani & Fisher, 2006). The procedures focus on the individual tolerating the context without avoidance responses and in a calm and compliant manner. This presentation will outline the steps to prepare children with developmental disabilities for healthcare routines, specifically salon visits, based on the current literature. This presentation will provide solid clinical advice for managing haircuts in a systematic way to program for success.

Learner Outcomes

  • Developing and using behavior analytic assessments to identify and prioritize behavior change goals related to preparing for salon visits.
  • Selecting and implementing individualized interventions for clients that promote comfort and compliance with salon visits.
  • Designing and implementing caregiver training and coordination of care with salon's to promote maintenance and generalization.



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Section Title
Supporting Salon Visits
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Course Fee non-credit $15.95
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