OHS 5060 - Fundamentals of Occupational Hygiene (Formerly COHS 3120)
Course Description
Occupational Hygiene is the art and science devoted to the recognition, evaluation and control of workplace hazards that may result in illness, disease or injury. This is an introductory course is designed to provide the basics of some of the key concepts in Occupational Hygiene, including routes of how chemical enter the body, what the health effects are likely and how employers can control workplace exposures.
Access the course syllabus for more information.
Course Outline
This course includes 7 modules and requires approximately 46 hours of student engagement. For module details, access the course syllabus.
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Explain the purpose, goals, and systematic approach of an occupational hygiene program.
- Describe the four major categories of occupational health hazards and demonstrate the application and limitations of occupational hygiene standards.
- Identify typical occupational hygiene problems and evaluate strategies for risk evaluation and control.
- Discuss the components of effective industrial hygiene evaluations and reports.
- Analyze critical elements in control measure selection and apply occupational hygiene principles.
For more detailed learner outcomes, access the course syllabus.
The University of New Brunswick (UNB) has joined forces with over 40 global organizations to sign the Singapore Accord, led by the International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organizations (INSHPO). This agreement introduces a comprehensive framework for occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals, designed to enhance their effectiveness across various industries.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
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Email: customerservice@unb.ca