HEA 5002 - Management of the Critically Ill Client and their Family – Pulmonary Alterations
Course Description
The Care of the Critically Ill Patient and their Family, is focused on the challenges for the client and family experiencing acute pulmonary alterations. Assessment and interventions are examined by the use of examples of selected pulmonary dysfunctions. Best practices for the care of the client and family will be examined in relation to various clinical disorders and settings.
Learner Outcomes
Learning Objectives
1. Assessment of the patient and family with Pulmonary Disorders: including initial assessment and evaluating results of interventions; physical assessment; laboratory results; diagnostic test results; monitoring technological devices; blood gases- arterial and central [e.g., PaO2, SaO2, SpO2, ScVO2 oxygen content, oxygen delivery, PaO2/ FiO2 ratio]
2. Airway management: including assessment, intervention, evaluation and care. Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI) to aid intubation.
3. Basics of mechanical ventilation: See Mechanical Ventilation Therapy.
4. Identifies the pathology, recognizes the patient assessment, issues and interventions related to respiratory alterations leading to acute respiratory failure: examples discussed may include: Adult respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS], Covid-19 ARDS, Pulmonary Emboli (PE), Pulmonary Hypertension (PH), Pneumonia, Adult & Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies.
5. Identifies pharmacologic agents to facilitate ventilation: including analgesics, reversal agents, sedatives, paralytics; and the necessary patient care when using these agents.
6. Interprets data related to the client and family’s psychosocial needs, for example, communication, assurance, information, proximity, comfort, support, coping strategies. Data is interpreted as part of initial and ongoing assessments and therapeutic interventions.
7. Integrates theory and practice from NBCCNP Course 1 and Course 2
Course Equipment
· Computer, internet access, and headset
· Calculator
· Handouts as specified
· Stethoscope
Refer to NBCCNP Master Schedule posted within D2L
Telephone: 506-453-4694
Toll-free: 1-888-259-4222
Email: customerservice@unb.ca
Delivery Methods
· Self-study using online learning modules
· Instructor led discussions (Zoom)
· Tutorials and Clinical Days
Refer to NBCCNP Master Schedule posted within D2L