
Course Description

This workshop equips participants with the knowledge and skills for leading and supporting change initiatives, emphasizing John Kotter's principles of change management.

Learner Outcomes

  • Develop a compelling case for change.
  • Articulate a vision for change.
  • Create a change management plan.
  • Build commitment to change.
  • Engage and empower individuals to act.
  • Communicate effectively and persistently.
  • Identify and address resistance to change.
  • Implement and institutionalize a change management plan.

This course is part of the Management Development Program and cannot be taken individually. Use the link at the bottom to navigate to the Program's page, or contact a Customer Service Representative at the contact details below.



Telephone: 506-453-4694
Toll-free: 1-888-259-4222
Email: customerservice@unb.ca

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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